Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin which our bodies can not produce itself. Therefore we must obtain Vitamin A from food, where it is then stored in our live, bound to proteins and ready to be transported around the body as required.
Vitamin A is probably best known for supporting eye health but is main function is to control our cell turnover, whether it be in our immune system or our skin. It also helps regulate our genes and is essential in enabling our bodies respond normally to thyroid hormones and Vitamin D. Vitamin A also modulates iron metabolism and can play a role in helping prevent anaemia.
Preformed Vitamin A is found in foods of animal origin, including eggs and liver. Pigments called carotenes, which are found in yellow, red and green vegetables and fruits (including carrots, spinach, sweet potato) when consumed, can convert into a form of Vitamin A called retinol. As an additional bonus, these carotene rich vegetables also provide a host of antioxidants that support overall health.