The NHS estimate that there are approximately 13 million women in the UK who are currently peri or menopausal. Approximately 80% will experience symptoms, some more severe than others. These symptoms can be physical and psychological and can last for many years.

Every woman’s experience of menopause is UNIQUE. However for EVERY woman, whether you have chosen to take HRT or not, whether your symptoms are severe or mild, it is never too late to support this transition by optimising diet and lifestyle.
A great starting place is to review your blood sugar balance. During the peri and menopause, hormone levels are constantly fluctuating. Spikes and dips in blood sugar caused by eating sugary foods and refined carbohydrates, release more hormones into your system for our bodies to deal with (insulin and our stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol). If we are unable to balance our blood sugar over time, these hormone fluctuations can contribute to symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, food cravings, headaches as well as put us at risk of long term health problems.
Awareness of the foods you are eating and the symptoms you are experiencing is one of the first steps in identifying what dietary changes may benefit you.