Corporate Wellness

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates

Every day our health is impacted by numerous factors including our diet choices, the environment where we live and the stress factors in our life. Naturopathic Nutrition can play a key role in helping to restore a healthy balance.

The Greek philosopher Hippocrates believed in viewing the whole person in regards to finding a cause of disease as well as using ‘laws of nature’ to bring about a cure. These principles of Naturopathy were first used by the Hippocratic School of Medicine in approx 400 BC and include ‘Do no Harm’ and ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’.

As a Naturopathic Nutritionist,

I know that every client I meet is an individual and will require their own personalised nutritional approach to health.  I therefore focus on:

Understanding the cause of symptoms

looking at genetics, previous illnesses and lifestyle choices

Working with the whole person

not just focusing on the dominant symptom but looking at all body symptoms, looking for connections


how to learn to take control and tools to support your ongoing health journey

Using whole and organic foods

Detoxifying and cleansing